Our Response to COVID-19

We are writing amid the public health concerns surrounding COVID-19 (more commonly known as Coronavirus) to inform you of the actions we are taking to ensure the health and wellbeing of our customers and employees.

In line with the very latest government advice, we are continuing to operate our business as usual, however we have introduced an enhanced cleanliness regime to reduce the risk of pathogens spreading.

  • We have made every effort to hold supplies of sanitising materials including products to ensure our show displays are kept clean to the very highest standards. If for reasons beyond our control our stock of materials run out, we will look for alternative cleansing agents
  • Additional cleaning techniques are being used including paying particular attention to our goods in & holding stock
  • Our fleet vehicles are sanitised after each drive including cleaning steering wheels and door handles
  • Our installation teams are taking every precaution necessary to carry out all contracted works in the safest manor.
  • Increased premises cleaning to include regular cleaning of door handles, public areas and workstations.
  • As a company we are closely monitoring government advice and will be taking any necessary steps to support the control of the virus
  • We are carefully taking steps to ensure the ongoing welfare and health of our employees.
  • We are restricting any not essential staff movements and are regularly in contact with all of our clients & suppliers.
As always, customer safety is our highest priority and we will be closely monitoring government advice and taking any necessary steps to support the control of the virus. To this end, we do ask that you inform us prior to your visit if you have been to any of the affected locations listed on the UK Government website, or if you have had to self-isolate due to potential exposure to the virus, so that we may discuss the best way in which to manage your requirements.

If you notice anything at our sites that you think deserves our attention, please do share your concerns with our staff who will be quick to respond.